
Stocks | Profit or Loss

This is a web application created using Vanilla JS. This application tells the client whether the he makes profit or loss in his stocks. It works by getting three inputs from the user ( i.e: purchase price , purchased quantity and the current price ) and tells whether the stock is making how much profit or loss by now.

Brithday Palindrome Check

This is a fun web application created using Vanilla JS. It gets user's DOB as input and checks whether it is a palindrome in any of its formats like DD-MM-YYYY , DD-YYYY-MM , MM-DD-YYYY , MM-YYYY-DD , YYYY-DD-MM , YYYY-MM-DD. If it's not a palindrome then it would display the nearest palindrome date.

Fun with Triangles

This is a web application created using Vanilla JS. This is used to calculate area , hyptonuse of a triangle and even you can check your knowledge in triangle by attending quiz.

Is your Brithday Lucky or Not

This is a web application created using Vanilla JS. It works by getting two inputs from the client (i.e: DOB and Lucky number) and it checks whether the client DOB is lucky or not.

Cash Register Manager

This is a web application created using Vanilla JS. This application tells the client that the number of currency notes of 1,5,10,20,100,500,2000 to be returned to the customer. By getting two inputs from the client.
(i.e:the bill amount and the amount paid ). And the shows the balance amount as output.

Series Recommendation App

This is a web application created using React JS. This application recommends the best series according to the genres.

Food Interpreter

This is a web app created using React JS. This app takes food emoji as input and displays the name of the food as output.

Morse Code Translator

This is a translator web application made using vanilla JS. It translates the English language to morse code.

Banana Translator

This is a fun web application created using Vanilla JS. This app translates the english language to banana language ( i.e: Minions Language).


This is my Portfolio created using HTML , CSS. It contains all my projects and blogs .

General Quiz - CLI App

This is a fun quiz game CLI app made using Javascript. Can be shared with your friends and have some fun.

How well do you know me ? - CLI App

This is a fun CLI app made using Javascript. Built this to check among my friends who knows me better.